Yes! High-quality lemon oil can make a big difference in your blood pressure (and likely your anxiety too, by the way). Just be sure to monitor your pressure carefully once you start it. Some folks find their readings drop more quickly than they anticipate. As a result, they need to reduce or stop their medication (consult with your doctor to do this!). I recommend ~6 drops in your water bottle or glass every time you fill it. Lemon oil is also a great choice if you are prone to respiratory problems.
After quite a bit of research in the past, today I recommend DoTerra essential oils. I’ve found that they are highly concentrated and effective, cold-pressed, and without any contaminants or additives. And they aren’t expensive. If you want to know more about them, please let me know or see the section on recommended products. Essential oils have been used for centuries for natural healing. And many modern medications are modeled after the same active ingredients we find in plants.
To expand on this topic just a bit; for ongoing or well-established hypertension in particular, I recommend several additional steps:
Pairing the lemon oil with another essential oil called ylang ylang. The combination is more potent than either one alone. Ylang ylang oil promotes calmness , creates lower blood pressure and pulse rate, and reduces both cortisol and blood pressure. Try ~3 drops of ylang ylang oil in each water bottle. You can also inhale it during stressful moments to calm the nervous system, or diffuse it.
Adding in magnesium. Nearly everyone with hypertension has low-normal or clinically low RBC magnesium. Starting with 300-400mg twice daily (with food) of the magnesium glycinate form specifically is a good place to begin. Be sure to read the label to check the form (you want 100% glycinate) and the number of caps needed to achieve a quoted dose on the label.
Take grapeseed extract. This very potent antioxidant specifically helps the body to produce more of the enzyme that promotes nitric oxide in our blood vessels (the gas that causes dilation of blood vessels – which lowers pressure). Minimal processing is important for retaining herbal efficacy, and phytosomal encapsulation helps greatly with intact absorption into the body (otherwise, herbs are digested in the body, just as with food). Thus I recommend a high-quality brand such as Thorne’s “OPC-100”, specifically 150-300mg/day (divided if using the higher dose).
Get your blood sugar under control. Even mildly elevated blood sugar on a chronic basis can create inflammatory wear’n’tear on blood vessel linings and create hypertension. Many people with “normal” blood sugar have active, ongoing insulin resistance. Conventionally, this often isn’t diagnosed at all until someone progresses to the point of being technically pre-diabetic (typically several YEARS after the dynamic has been occurring). Ideally, your fasting glucose is 90 mg/dl or lower (yes, this is the lower half of the normal reference range). If this isn’t the case for you, take stock of your diet and dramatically reduce your intake of sugar/sweeteners (especially of sweetened beverages and juices) and also foods made with flour (e.g. bread, pasta, crackers, bagels). Planning your meals ahead of time can completely shift your trajectory away from disease.
Enjoy tomatoes and watermelon. Citrulline is powerful for promoting nitric oxide production (via formation of another amino acid, arginine). This amino acid is particularly prevalent in these two, delicious red fruits. Packed with antioxidants, these foods can be a part of your daily diet when working to overcome hypertension naturally and they make great snacks. Munch away!